Senior Care News

5 Tips for Helping an Elderly Loved One Cope with Sundowning


Elderly Care in Sacramento CA

If your loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, you’ve probably seen her go through something called sundowning. Sundowning can be very frustrating and it’s painful to watch Elderly-Care-in-Sacramento-CAyour loved one struggle. Try some of these tips to make it easier for your loved one.

Turn on Some Lights

Turning on some bright lights around the time that your loved one starts to experience sundowning symptoms can help some loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease. Try it with your loved one a few times to see if it helps. You can also ask your loved one’s doctor if any changes to her medication might help along with the increased lighting.

Set up a Quiet Place

Along with lighting, you may want to set aside an area where your loved one can soak up the benefits of the light, enjoy fewer stimuli, and possibly even engage in an activity that she enjoys. Putting together a puzzle or doing something repetitive, such as folding laundry, can help to diminish the effects of sundowning.

Start an Exercise Routine Earlier in the Day

If your loved one isn’t already exercising daily, it might be time to set up an exercise routine. Work with your loved one’s doctor to come up with activities that are appropriate for her health and abilities. The exercise doesn’t need to be strenuous and it shouldn’t wear out your loved one but it can help to get rid of some excess energy for her. She may also start sleeping better at night, which can help her body to recharge properly every night.

Try a Nap

Some elderly loved ones find that a short nap, around 20 minutes or so, can help to reduce the effects of sundowning. You don’t want to let your loved one sleep for hours at a time, but a short nap can be just enough to reset her brain before the afternoon starts to become difficult.

Establish Routines

Routines can definitely help your loved one with all sorts of aspects of Alzheimer’s disease. Have your loved one help you with dinner preparation every night or work together on an activity. You could also listen to music together or read aloud from a book that your loved one enjoys. If you’re having a hard time establishing a routine that works for your loved one, talk to her home care providers about setting up a plan.

Sundowning can be disturbing for both you and your elderly loved one but some of these tips can help to make it a little easier.


If you or an aging loved one needs elderly care in Sacramento, CA, remember Senior Home Care Services. Call us at (916) 514-7006 for more information.


Jay Bloodsworth

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