Senior Care News

Nine Ways for Family Caregivers to Stay Healthy

Elderly Care Sacramento, CA: Staying Healthy as a Caregiver

Family caregivers are in a position where stress can easily build up. You want to do what you can to help your parents. You also have your own family and personal needs to consider. Mental, emotional, and physical health is crucial to a family caregiver. These nine steps have to be included in your weekly plans. 
Take Breaks

Elderly Care Sacramento, CA: Staying Healthy as a Caregiver

Day in and day out care is exhausting. Take breaks as often as possible. Once a week, have elderly care aides help out with your parents’ meals, personal care needs, etc. while you go out with friends, head for a day of spa treatments, or sleep late and spend a day alone. 
Get Enough Sleep 
Eight hours of sleep is the recommended amount. If you’re always short of that goal, you need to make changes. Go to bed earlier. If you can’t because you’re still trying to get work completed at 10 p.m., it’s time to hand over some of your parents’ care tasks to someone else. 
Eat Properly 
Limit Alcohol Intake 
The current recommendation for alcohol consumption is no more than one drink per day. Many people are unaware of what a serving size is. It’s a 5-ounce glass of wine, 12-ounce beer, or 1.5-ounce shot in a mixed drink. 
Take time each week to socialize. Go out with friends. Join a support group for family caregivers. Ask your spouse or significant other to take you out for dinner or a picnic in a scenic spot. 
Have Days Where You Goof Off Together 
If you’re used to always doing the laundry for your mom and dad on a Saturday while you cook meals and clean the house, take a day to goof off. The world won’t stop if you don’t get things done. 
Clear Your Mind 
Meditation is one way to clear your mind. You can also practice Yoga or Tai Chi, which also benefits your body. You might find that keeping a journal is better at helping clear your mind. Whatever works for you, devote some time every day to clearing your mind and relaxing in the process. 
Enjoy a Hobby 
Finally, think about your favorite hobby. Do you love painting? Have you always wanted to learn how to make paper? Whatever your preferred hobby is, take time each week to enjoy it. If you can’t find the time, involve your parents in it. 
Rather than watching a movie as they request, ask them to join you in a video that teaches you how to dance. You’ll have fun together while doing something new. 
You should exercise at least 30 minutes each day. Exercises like walking, riding a bike, swimming, or hiking are all good at stretching the muscles and getting fresh air. To make sure you have time for this, hire an elderly care aide to sit with your parents while you head out to exercise. 


If you or an aging loved one needs Elderly Care in Sacramento, CA, rememberSenior Home Care Services.Call us at (916) 514-7006 for more information. 

Jay Bloodsworth

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